With the threat of covid 19 raising its head higher again we are living in an increasingly uncertain and unsettled time. Winter looms closer by the day and thus it is even more important that we get outdoors and connect with nature and each other. Daylight hours are reducing by the week which makes our need for natural light even more pressing. There is nothing better then curling up in front of a fire on a miserable day but we need natural light in spades as well. Getting enough natural light can help our mood, our sleep and ward off seasonal depression which with the prospect of the next few covid restricted months approaching I certainly need in abundance.

Spending time in the natural world has been shown to help with anxiety and depression so this combined with the benefits of natural light surely is a win win. For me, pottering around in the garden is a chance to change focus and slow down during a busy schedule. The distraction of the dahlias and cosmos hanging in there before the first frost gets them is a welcome relief from the relentless covid news updates and reminds us that the cycle of nature carries on regardless.
Being around plants, flowers and nature can reduce feelings of stress and anger so no wonder going for a countryside walk or spending some time gardening can help us feel more relaxed and at peace.
With the likelihood of being unable to see one another indoors again soon lets not forget our inherent need for connection and relationship with others. But combine it (where allowed) with a socially distanced walk in the park or countryside (best to avoid a really windy day as I've learnt you cant hear each other!) or an afternoon planting out bulbs with a friend, sharing the hope that they will emerge triumphant in spring.
