Autumn is here
The clocks have gone back, the afternoons are shorter and the colours of the garden are muted day by day. But there’s beauty in the autumn leaves and winter light and it’s a great excuse to hunker down, light a fire and plan for next year in the garden! It’s also time to start feeding the birds if you haven’t already as their natural supply of seeds and berries is probably running dry. So do try and get out there when the weather allows as there is lots that could still be done.:

Sweet peas under cover.
Broad beans, garlic and onion sets direct.
Bulbs for spring and November is the perfect time to plant your tulip bulbs.
Start planting out bare root trees, shrubs and hedges.
Take hardwood cuttings of shrubs and fruit bushes.
Mulch heavy clay soils with organic matter to improve structure and drainage.
Bring in tender plants and any terracotta pots to protect from frost.
Kale, squash, cabbage and the last of the
carrots, beetroot and turnips.
Secature/lopper jobs:

Prune buddlias by half their height.
Cut down dahlias once the foliage is over to
lift and store or leave in the ground and mulch.
Cut back tall asparagus foliage once yellow.
Cut back perennials including herbaceous
Prune roses to avoid wind damage.
Lawns and ponds:
Gather leaves and start making leaf mold
Raise the mower cutting height
Keep clearing leaves out of ponds
If the grass growth slows right down book
the mower in for a service.
My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.
– Claude Monet