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Gardening Jobs for March

Edward Bowring

Well it seems as though it has rained for months on end now here in West Sussex. The ground might be saturated but there is still lots you can do to get ready for spring which can't be far away now that the daffodils are out! The weather has been rather disheartening to say the least but there is hope that we'll be back in shorts before long - just look at all the new rhubarb shoots!


Sow hardy annuals under cover

Sow courgettes, leeks, peas, beetroot under cover

Sow broad beans direct

Order dahlias

Pinch out sweet pea tips

Sow tomatoes, cucumbers and aubergines

in a propagator

Start chitting early potatoes and plant out at the end of the month

Mulch asparagus and artichokes

Plant trees and fruit bushes

Prepare beds and borders

Lift and divide snowdrops


Iris, snowdrops, crocus, aconites, daffodils

Leeks, kale, cabbage, chard, spinach

Secature/lopper jobs:

Deadhead daffodils

Prune cornus (dogwoods at the end of the

month) and pot up the cuttings

Prune winter flowering jasmine after flowering.

Prune fuchsia, buddlias and ornamental


Cut back old perennials growth

Prune shrub roses

Deadhead hydrangeas

Lawns and ponds:

Mow when the grass starts growing but

not too short!

Keep clearing leaves out of ponds

"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful." - Alice Walker


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