Here in West Sussex it has been really wet, and I mean proper rain for days on end. Thankfully the sun has come out again, but things are now going to grow even faster!
The gardens really are in full stride now with the first of the dahlias out, along with the cosmos, nicotiana and orlaya filling in the gaps in the borders.
The vegatable garden is coming along nicely, apart from the odd early morning visiting rabbit daring to try his luck! The greenhouse tomatoes are forming well and will soon be ready to harvest. We've had possibly the best year for aspargus yet, with mountains of spears to enjoy ourselves and share with friends. It is so tempting to keep harvesting them but sadly now they must be left to recover for next year.
It's easy to feel as if the garden is getting out of control this time of year, but little and often is the key. So here are some ideas of what you could be doing in the garden this month:
What to do in the garden this month:
Sow more salad, kale, carrots, beetroot and chard for the autumn.
Plant out brassicas and leeks.

Dahlias, sweet peas, roses, ammi, orlaya, cosmos, cornflowers, sunflowers, salad, spinach, chard, radish, carrots, artichokes, potatoes, beans and berries galore.

Secature/lopper jobs:
Keep deadheading!
Cut back perennial herbs for a second growth.
Prune early flowering shrubs once blooms have finished.
Tidy perennials.
Summer prune espalier apples and pears.
Prune long wispy wisteria shoots.
Cut down fruited summer raspberry canes.

Keep staking tall perennials and dahlias before they get too tall!
Tie in sweet peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, climbing beans.
Feed roses, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers.

Lawns and ponds:
Mow when required but allow it to grow a little longer if it gets hot again!
Keep the greenhouse well ventilated.
Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years. – Unknown