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Gardening Jobs for February

Edward Bowring

Iris (Reticulata) 'Harmony'


Here in West Sussex we've had hard frosts, cold biting winds and even a smattering of snow . But now the temperature is in double digits and the rain is back. However all is not doom and gloom! It is now light until 5.30pm which makes a huge difference and the glorious snow drops, snow flakes, hellebores, irises and early daffodils are out providing some much needed colour in the rather soggy and brown landscape.

Lock down continues but the birds are foraging away on whatever they can find outside and it's been a joy to see our young children become interested in photographing and identifying the birds that visit.

Thankfully spring is really not that far away. Bringing hope and anticipation of warmer days, sunshine and more time outdoors. However there are jobs to be done in the garden now so here are some ideas for you.

What to do in the garden this month:


Order dahlias

Start sowing tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines in a warm spot.

Sow an early batch of broad beans direct.

Start chitting early potatoes.

Mulch aparagus and artichokes.

Plant trees and fruit bushes.

Prepare beds and borders - weed and mulch.

Plant snowdrops in the green.


Iris, hellebores, snowdrops, snowflakes, crocus, aconites.

Leeks, kale, cabbage, chard, spinach.

Secature/lopper jobs:

Prune wisteria to 2-3 buds - last chance!

Prune cornus (dogwoods at the end of the month)

Prune winter flowering jasmine after flowering.

Prune fuchsia, buddlias and ornamental grasses.

Cut back autumn fruiting raspberries.

Prune currants.

Cut back group 3 clematis to about 2 foot.

Winter prune apple and pear trees

(but not cheery or plum)

Lawns and ponds:

Mow when the grass starts growing but

not too short!

Keep feeding and watering the birds!


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