Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea
The winter woolies have been dug out the cupboards and the days are noticeably shorter - winter has arrived. It had been unseasonably mild until a few days ago, even the cosmos was still flowering but the cold nights have put an end to that so it's time to begin the winter tidy and add to the ever increasing compost bin piles. But don't feel as though you have to be too tidy or pull up or cut back every spent plant though as some of the seed heads look great left over winter and the local wildlife will be grateful.
Christmas is fast approaching in whatever guise coronavirus will allow us this year. It will be different, but let's embrace the seasonal change and enjoy the outdoors when we can. Let’s not forget our inherent need for connection and relationship with others, especially at this time of year. But combine it, when allowed, with a socially distanced walk by the sea or countryside (best to avoid a really windy day as I've learnt you can’t hear each other!) or an afternoon foraging or planting out bulbs with a friend, sharing the hope that they will emerge triumphant in spring.

Broad beans direct outside.
Bulbs for spring, it's not too late!
Plant out bare root roses and hellebores.
Take hardwood cuttings of shrubs and fruit bushes.
Mulch heavy clay soils with organic matter to improve structure and drainage.
Kale, sprouts, spinach, leeks, cabbage, parsnips
Get ready for Christmas by making a
wreath and cutting holly and other foliage to
decorate with.
Secature/lopper jobs:

Prune vines, currants and Japanese acers that are now dormant.
Remove yellow brussels sprout leaves.
Cut back tall asparagus foliage once yellow and brittle and mulch with manure or compost.
Pinch out autumn sown sweet peas.
Lawns and ponds:
Wash pots and labels
Clean windows and pathways
My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.
– Claude Monet