May is a wonderful month in the garden. Everything seems to grow more with each day that passes, the hardy geraniums are green with foliage and geums budding up ready to burst with colour. It's been a great year for wisterias here in West Sussex where hopefully our last frost is over.

Sow French beans, carrots, radish, salad,
sweetcorn, squash.
Sow annuals such as cosmos.
Plant out sweet peas and tie in.
Harden off and plant out half hardy annuals.
Lift and divide bluebells.
Plant main potatoes and earth up earlies.
Rhubarb, broad beans, globe artichokes, kale, spring cabbage.
Secateurs jobs:
Chelsea chop later flowering perennials.
Prune spring flowerings shrubs once over.

Tie in clematis.
Stake perennials.
Watch out for frosts still
Clear out and disinfect the greenhouse.
Wash out pots and module trays.
Sort out old seeds.
Keep mowing often.
Edge the lawn with a half-moon for a really
neat finish.
Get out and enjoy the garden and don't forget to water pots when required!