Dawn light over the pond
Happy new year! After a mild Christmas down here in the south a cold snap is moving in and the gardens first thing are a cross between dormancy and frosted beauty. Even though we've past the shortest day in the year the mornings are still terribly dark until the end of the school run but this will change soon I promise!
January is a great time to take stock, plan the coming year and enjoy all the seed catalogues that come crashing through the letter box.

Plant out spring flowering bulbs - very last chance and they might be a bit late!
Sow sweet pea, leeks, onions, broad beans, hardy peas, spinach and carrots under cover.
Plant bareroot roses, trees and shrubs.
Transplant trees/shrubs.
Plant out raspberry canes.
Mulch heavy clay soils with organic mater to
improve structure and drainage.
Start chitting early potatoes.
Leeks, parsnips, kale.
Snowdrops, aconites, hellebores.
Secateurs jobs:
Cut back dahlias and mulch or lift for winter.

Prune roses.
Take hardwood cuttings.
Prune grape vines.
Prune black currant buses.
Prune wisteria to 2/3 buds.
Cut back sedums.
Remove yellow brassica leaves.
Deadhead winter bedding.
Winter prune apples/pears.

Bring in tender plants/pots into the
greenhouse or undercover.
Clear out and disinfect the greenhouse.
Wash out pots and module trays.
Sort out old seeds.
Get the mower serviced.
Rake up/mow up leaves and make leaf mold.
Get the greenhouse in order and enjoy perusing the seed catalogues in front of a cosy fire!