Cornus stems bring great winter colour to a border.
Well here in West Sussex winter has struck, successive cold nights and frosts meant all tender plants are now under cover and protected and the cornus have dropped their leaves displaying their magnificent stems.
There's precious few daylight hours for the next few weeks so make the most of them and get outside.

Plant out spring flowering bulbs - last chance!
Plant bareroot roses, trees and shrubs.
Plant out winter bedding.
Transplant trees/shrubs.
Plant out raspberry canes.
Mulch heavy clay soils with organic mater to
improve structure and drainage.
Leeks, parsnips, kale.
Secateurs jobs:

Cut back dahlias and mulch or lift for winter.
Prune Japanese acers.
Prune climbing roses to avoid wind damage.
Take hardwood cuttings.
Prune grape vines.
Prune black currant buses.
Lift and store dahlias and gladioli after the first frost.
Bring in tender plants/pots into the
greenhouse or undercover.
Clear out and disinfect the greenhouse.
Sort out old seeds.
Raise the cutting height of the mower.
Rake up/mow up leaves and make leaf mold.
Get those bulbs planted...and look forward to the hope they bring us in February!