The clocks have gone back and it's scarily dark by home time. However it does mean it is lighter in the morning to help us get out of bed and the autumnal light in its fleeting moments is a delight.
We've had our first frosts down here in West Sussex so the dahlias are going over and even the stalwart cosmos coming to an end.
There's lots of clearing and preparation to be done this month so here are our tips for November.

Plant out spring flowering bulbs including
tulips now - it will be so worth it come the spring!
Plant bareroot roses, trees and shrubs.
Plant out winter bedding.
Transplant trees/shrubs.
Sow garlic direct.
Sow sweet peas and hardy annuals for next year.
Mulch heavy clay soils with organic mater to
improve structure and drainage.
Squash, pumpkins, parsnips, kale, last of the beetroot, celeriac and carrots.
Secateurs jobs:

Cut back dahlias and mulch or lift for winter.
Tidy up strawberry plants.
Cut back perennials including herbaceous
Prune roses to avoid wind damage.
Take hardwood cuttings.
Lift and store dahlias and gladioli after the first frost.
Bring in tender plants/pots into the
greenhouse or undercover.
Raise the cutting height of the mower.
Rake up/mow up leaves and make leaf mold.
Get those bulbs planted...and look forward to the hope they bring us in February!