The leaves are falling, nights drawing in scarily fast and clocks about to go back. October is a month of preparation and planning for next year. If you haven't ordered spring flowering bulbs get ordering and let me encourage you think big and think crammed in!
When they pop up next year you'll be so pleased you did!

Plant out spring flowering bulbs, but
wait a month for the tulips.
Plant bareroot trees and shrubs.
Plant out spring bedding.
Transplant trees/shrubs.
Sow garlic, broad beans and onion sets
Sow hardy annuals for next year.
Plant out spring cabbages.
Squash, pumpkins, blackberries, late apples.
Secateurs jobs:
Divide and replant perennials if the soil is
still warm.
Divide rhubarb and replant.

Lift and store dahlias after the first frost.
Bring in tender plants/pots into the
greenhouse or undercover.
Raise the cutting height of the mower.
Lay turf/re seed patches.
Rake up leaves and make leaf mold.
Enjoy the last of the dahlias before the frosts and then clean out and disinfect the greenhouse/cold frames...you'll be amazed at the satisfaction afterwards!