Thank heavens that cold spell and snow is over and the gentle warmth of spring is edging closer by the day! The hellebores and crocus seemed to have survived the snow and even daffodils are blooming in sheltered spots. The days are slowly lengthening providing precious minutes more of growing light each day.

Sow tomato seed somewhere over 21C
and broad beans direct.
Start sowing hardy annuals, lettuce, carrots, leeks under cover.
Start chitting potatoes.
Cover to force rhubarb.
Plant out bare root roses.
Plant new currants and raspberries.
Lift and divide perennials.
Plant summer flowering bulbs.
Plant out early potatoes at the end of March.
Leeks, cabbage, kale, chard.

Lift parsnips - the frost has made them
Secateurs jobs:
Last chance pruning shrub roses
Prune wisteria side shoots back to 2-3 buds
to encourage flowering but you need to be quick!
Prune fuchsias back to 2 buds.
Cut back perennials.
Artichokes and asparagus with well rotted manure.
Weed borders and raised beds and add lots of organic
matter to improve the soil ready for sowing! Ideally add
2 inches worth to help suppress the weeds.
It's time for the 1st cut here in West Sussex but don't cut it too short, use a high setting this month and scarify.

Enjoy the bulbs as they appear and the hope they bring that spring is just around the corner!