It's dark when the children wake us up
and again by 4 o'clock so if you're anything like me you need to catch as much daylight and vitamin D as you can!
But hope is on the horizon...the sweet peas are growing and by the end of the month the days will be lengthening not only improving our mood but the plants as well!
Dahlias, begonias and gladiolus - we've had the first frosts so if you haven't yet either lift and store your dahlias or mulch them for protection.
Bring in any tender plants to protect from the worst of the weather.
Make sure greenhouse heaters are working!

Sow broad beans,winter lettuce.
Plant out any tulips left over.
Plant out onion and garlic sets, wall flowers, winter displays and other perennials/biennials.
Divide and replant rhubarb.
Earth up leeks.
Firm in tall brassicas.
Plant out bare root roses.
Plant new currants and raspberries.
Plant out some cyclamen, primulas, skimmias, sarcococca and winter pansies for some instant colour!

Leeks, cabbage, sprouts, kale, chard and spinach.
Lift parsnips - the frost has made them sweeter!
Secateurs jobs:
Prune climbing and rambling roses to protect them against
wind damage.
Cut back fruited canes of summer raspberries.
Start pruning pear and apple trees (but not plum or cherry).
Cut back perennials or ideally leave them until spring for winter interest and a home for the creepy crawlies!
Raise the cutter setting and rake up any leaves
for making leafmould.

Bring in tender plants for the winter, light the fire and get the seed catalogues out for planning next year!
Relax and start collecting seed for next year!