It's finally got cold, we've had the first frost of the year and the clocks have gone back. Winter is here bar the odd strangely mild day and the garden is beginning to look a bit tired and messy! But that doesn't stop these tree peony seed-heads stun me every time I pass them and keep an eye out for hesperanthas and fuchsias still blooming away!
Dahlias, begonias and gladiolus - we've had the first frost so either lift and store your dahlias or mulch them for protection.
Sow broad beans, sweet peas, green manure and hardy annuals.
Start sowing bulbs for spring, especially any tulips
now being November.
Plant out onion and garlic sets, wall flowers, winter displays

and other perennials/biennials.
Divide and replant rhubarb.
Earth up leeks.
Firm in tall brassicas.
Plant out bare root roses.
Plant new currants and raspberries.
Kale, Chard and spinach.
Lift parsnips - the frost has made them sweeter!
Secateurs jobs:
Prune climbing and rambling roses to protect them against

wind damage.
Divide perennials whilst the soil is still warm.
Cut back fruited canes of summer raspberries.
Start pruning pear and apple trees (but not plum or cherry).
Raise the cutter setting and rake up any leaves
for making leafmould.
Aerate, scarify and re seed bare patches.

Bring in tender plants for the winter, light the fire and get the seed catalogues out for planning next year!
Relax and start collecting seed for next year!