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Edward Bowring BSc DipSTH
Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Practitioner and Garden Writer
Edward Bowring
May 2, 2017
Gardening jobs for May
Spring is here! Suddenly there is heaps to do in the garden so get ahead now whilst you can! Harvest Asparagus, rhubarb, first of the...
Edward Bowring
Mar 31, 2017
Gardening Jobs for April
Finally it's spring! This year it has felt a long time coming but now the days are getting longer and the soil is warming clear...
Edward Bowring
Mar 17, 2017
Growing sweet peas
Sweet peas are one of life's little joys, their scent, colour and ability to keep flowering never cease to amaze. For me they even...
Edward Bowring
Mar 8, 2017
Gardening with Children - Sowing Broad Beans.
Gardening with your child is a great way to not only get them off your phone and outdoors, but is a great way of getting them to learn...
Edward Bowring
Mar 3, 2017
Gardening jobs for March
We know it's still cold and wet but here are just some of the gardening tasks you or we could be doing clear your head and get...
Edward Bowring
Feb 28, 2017
So what is Horticultural Therapy?
Put simply it is using gardening to help someone through promoting their health, well-being and social inclusion. Thrive, The UK's...
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