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Edward Bowring BSc DipSTH
Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Practitioner and Garden Writer

Edward Bowring
Aug 30, 2019
Gardening Jobs for September
Please forgive the radio silence we've moved house and everything else has had to take rather a back seat. It's been a lovely summer and...

Edward Bowring
Jun 4, 2019
Gardening Jobs for June
Everything is growing almost by the minute! It's been warm down here in Sussex and the gardens are really coming into their own. It's dry...

Edward Bowring
May 7, 2019
Gardening Jobs for May
May is a wonderful month in the garden. Everything seems to grow more with each day that passes, the hardy geraniums are green with...

Edward Bowring
Mar 4, 2019
Gardening Jobs for March
Spring is finally here in West Sussex. The bulbs are out in force and the birds are chirping away. March is an all go month in the garden...

Edward Bowring
Jan 31, 2019
Gardening Jobs for February
Winter finally arrived! We've been scraping the ice off the cars and enjoying the frosty mornings down here in West Sussex! The ground...

Edward Bowring
Jan 7, 2019
Gardening Jobs for January
Dawn light over the pond Happy new year! After a mild Christmas down here in the south a cold snap is moving in and the gardens first...

Edward Bowring
Dec 6, 2018
Gardening Jobs for December
Cornus stems bring great winter colour to a border. Well here in West Sussex winter has struck, successive cold nights and frosts meant...

Edward Bowring
Nov 6, 2018
Gardening Jobs for November
The clocks have gone back and it's scarily dark by home time. However it does mean it is lighter in the morning to help us get out of bed...

Edward Bowring
Oct 2, 2018
Gardening Jobs for October
The leaves are falling, nights drawing in scarily fast and clocks about to go back. October is a month of preparation and planning for...

Edward Bowring
Sep 1, 2018
Gardening Jobs for September
September is a lovely month here in West Sussex. If we are lucky an Indian summer again and the warmth extending into the autumnal glow....

Edward Bowring
Aug 6, 2018
Gardening Jobs for August
The heatwave continues here in West Sussex and has meant we've had to start crack of dawn and finish earlier like on the continent! May...

Edward Bowring
May 7, 2018
Gardening Jobs for May
It's been an odd start to May, the last frost (we hope) and even ice on the children paddling pool and then to 20°C a few days later. But...

Edward Bowring
Apr 1, 2018
Gardening Jobs for April
Well the weather over the past few weeks here in West Sussex has been pretty rubbish so it's going to be an even busier April than usual!...

Edward Bowring
Mar 20, 2018
Growing Dahlias
It's official, dahlias are back in all their loud and bright glory! They are brilliant for a pot display (smallish varieties) or to add...

Edward Bowring
Mar 8, 2018
Gardening Jobs for March
Thank heavens that cold spell and snow is over and the gentle warmth of spring is edging closer by the day! The hellebores and crocus...

Edward Bowring
Feb 8, 2018
Gardening Jobs for February
Thank heavens January is over and the first signs of spring are rearing their heads! The hellebores and snowdrops are out, crocus...

Edward Bowring
Jan 27, 2018
Growing with children - potatoes
Growing food with your children has to be one of the most satisfying and educational things one can do as a parent. Teaching them that...

Edward Bowring
Dec 4, 2017
Gardening Jobs for December
It's dark when the children wake us up and again by 4 o'clock so if you're anything like me you need to catch as much daylight and...

Edward Bowring
Nov 7, 2017
Gardening Jobs for November
It's finally got cold, we've had the first frost of the year and the clocks have gone back. Winter is here bar the odd strangely mild day...

Edward Bowring
Oct 4, 2017
Gardening Jobs for October
It's officially autumn, the beans are out, the perennials fading and days shortening faster than we'd like, but there is still lots to do...
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