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Edward Bowring BSc DipSTH
Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Practitioner and Garden Writer

Edward Bowring
Jan 9, 2023
Gardening Jobs for January
January The greenhouse thermometer registered -4C in the cold spell leading up to Christmas, which was a first for us down here on the...

Edward Bowring
Mar 9, 2022
Gardening Jobs for March
March Here in West Sussex we've finally had the first taster of spring. It's such a joy to not have to wear a jacket gardening or walking...

Edward Bowring
Feb 4, 2022
Gardening Jobs for February
Iris (Reticulata) 'Alida' February Here in West Sussex we've had hard frosts and cold easterly winds. But now the temperature has risen,...

Edward Bowring
Jan 3, 2022
Gardening Jobs for January
January The days are still punishingly short, but thankfully the nights grow shorter with each passing day bringing the hope that lighter...

Edward Bowring
Dec 1, 2021
Gardening Jobs for December
December It snowed down here in West Sussex last week. A light dusting, but enough for the children to get excited about and to hide the...

Edward Bowring
Aug 5, 2021
Gardening Jobs for August
August Well the rain hasn't let up over the past few weeks and the gardens are still looking green and lush compared to this time last...

Edward Bowring
Jul 1, 2021
Gardening Jobs for July
July Here in West Sussex it has been really wet, and I mean proper rain for days on end. Thankfully the sun has come out again, but...

Edward Bowring
Jun 4, 2021
Gardening Jobs for June
June After all the May rain and recent sunshine, the gardens are flourishing, so green and lush and dotted with colour. The longest day...

Edward Bowring
May 6, 2021
Gardening Jobs for May
May With the evenings lengthening day by day and the hope of soon seeing friends and family properly, hope is in the air. May is a...

Edward Bowring
Apr 1, 2021
Gardening Jobs for April
April Spring is officially here and combined with the relaxation of lock down, vaccines being rolled out left, right and center and the...

Edward Bowring
Mar 11, 2021

Edward Bowring
Feb 16, 2021
Gardening Jobs for February
Iris (Reticulata) 'Harmony' February Here in West Sussex we've had hard frosts, cold biting winds and even a smattering of snow . But now...

Edward Bowring
Jan 22, 2021
January Saturation
I think we would all agree that January is never the easiest month to get through, let alone when combined with a lock-down and the endless

Edward Bowring
Jan 11, 2021
Gardening Jobs for January
Hellebore in the frost January We leave 2020 firmly behind us and enter the new year thankful for new beginnings and in hope that things...

Edward Bowring
Dec 1, 2020
Gardening Jobs for December
Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea Winter The winter woolies have been dug out the cupboards and the days are noticeably shorter - winter has...

Edward Bowring
Nov 5, 2020
Gardening Jobs for November
Autumn is here The clocks have gone back, the afternoons are shorter and the colours of the garden are muted day by day. But there’s...

Edward Bowring
Jul 3, 2020
Gardening Jobs for July
Dahlia 'Walzing Matilda' It's July and I can't quite believe where the past 3 months have gone, lock down is tentatively being eased and...

Edward Bowring
Apr 3, 2020
Gardening Jobs for April
Due to Covid -19, life as we know it has been put on hold. It's not easy, I am on the shielding list so not able to leave the house for...

Edward Bowring
Mar 9, 2020
Gardening Jobs for March
Well it seems as though it has rained for months on end now here in West Sussex. The ground might be saturated but there is still lots...

Edward Bowring
Oct 7, 2019
Gardening Jobs for October
Autumn is here, the leaves are turning and the ground getting wetter under foot by the day. October sometimes feels like we are on...
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